Welcome to the home of Global On-Reflection Giant Gathering
 GORGG Purpose Statement  Obligatory Disclaimer
1. To physically assemble and perennially celebrate lasting friendships, and create new ones, each sharing a common love and admiration for thoughtful music.
3. An enthusiastic attempt by hundreds of people to somehow try and recognise a few people for doing what no one else has done, before or since.

GORGG is NOT a Gentle Giant reunion!

GORGG is a get-together for members of the On-Reflection internet list....and three friends (or more).

2. The spiritual and emotional bonding that arises from being a minority when the majority insists on the pejorative.
4. Oh and yeah, Gentle Giant should be mentioned in here too: We love you guys and your music, thank you so much.
 GORGG's ELEVEN: Welcome & Toast
On behalf of Jon & the 2009 Committee, I'd like to welcome everyone to "GORGG's Eleven."  On this, the tenth anniversary of GORGG, I think a short history lesson is appropriate.

In 1994, some of us were lucky enough to find our way to the On-Reflection Internet mailing list, dedicated to the music of Gentle Giant.  After several years of forming online cyber-friendships, it was only natural that some would want to meet in person.  In January 1999, a dozen of us held a tri-state get-together in New York City to test the waters. We had a fantastic time and it went so well that we KNEW that we had to do it again -- and SOON!  The New England contingent followed suit in April '99, with similar results.

In the first of many cases of what we now call "GORGG Serendipity," our friend, Bert, in Norway won a contest and decided to visit New York around this same time, and he persuaded many European & U.K. listmembers to join him.  We combined our efforts and the first GORGG was planned for October '99.  That was a magical weekend and life-altering for many of us, as it became quickly apparent that this needed to become an annual event.  About the only thing that could have made things better that first year would have been the improbable dream of having members of Gentle Giant with us at our little party.

The intrepid John P. Weathers rectified that for us the next year in London when he bravely joined us on the Friday night.  Having survived his first night, Kerry nervously joined him on Saturday.  Gary became an instant part of the GORGG Fabric the next year in Toronto in 2001.  Wonderful events continued in 2002 and 2003 in Amsterdam and Portland, each one raising the bar higher and somehow getting better and better each year.  Malcolm's baptism by fire occurred in 2004 in Wales, and he's been a mainstay ever since.  (And now, after today's unexpected events, I need to add a thank you here to Derek for his visit this afternoon.)

The fun rolled into Quebec in 2005 and it seemed like it literally could simply never end.  But perhaps the true test of GORGG's mettle came the following year in Portugal when we lost our dear friend, Jorg, suddenly.  Up until then, we had all laughed & laughed together for years, but now we had to learn to cry together, too, and at this point there was no denying that this annual assemblage was very much a true FAMILY in every sense of the word.  But we weathered that storm.

In a blur of years and amazing events, Denver and Germany in 2007 and 2008 brought us to the point -- tonight -- where we are now celebrating GORGG's tenth anniversary, which still boggles my mind, but here we are!  By my quick count, we have now had GORGGers attend from 14 different countries over the years... a magnificent achievement.

A group of us visited the Heartland Brewery yesterday, where it all began, in a nod to tradition and our history, and now I'd like to make the toast that I didn't get to make there.  Please join me in raising a glass.  This will be a 4-part toast (after all, it couldn't be a Gentle Giant gathering without a multi-part toast, could it?!):

To all the brave souls who were there in New York City ten years ago this month...
AND to all who've visited or contributed to GORGG since then...
AND to the efforts of all past GORGGanizers who made it all happen somehow...
AND to our dear GGiants and their wonderful spouses and families...
we have ALL been many-times-blessed. 
Long Live Gentle Giant!
Long Live On-Reflection!!
And long live GORGG!!!
Jerry McCarthy
 Links to past GORGG pages  GORGG-Web Traffic Map
GORGG 2008
("Das GORGG")
The City
The Hotel
The Events
The T-Shirt
Who Was There?
GORGG 2007
The City
The Hotel
The Events
The T-Shirt
Who Was There?

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Click the Giant head button to make an online
(PayPal) donation of $ (US) towards the GORGG 2009 Fund...

GORGG 2006
The City
The Hotel
The Events
The T-Shirt
Who Was There?
GORGG 2005
The City
The Hotel
The Events
The T-Shirt
Who Was There?

GORGG 2004
("GORGG and the Dragon")
The Country
The Castle
The Events
The T-Shirt
Who Was There?

GORGG 2003
("Columbia GORGG")
The City
The Hotel
The Events
The T-Shirt
Who Was There?

GORGG 2002
("Van GORGG")
The City
The Hotel
The Events
The T-Shirt
Who Was There?
GORGG 2001
("GORGG, Eh?")
The City
The Hotel
The Events
The Logo
Who Was There?

Ant's GORGG2K Page
GORGG 1999
GORGG 1999 Photos
Who Was There?
All material copyright © 2025 GORGG. All rights reserved.